Proceeds from this year's T-shirt and poster sales benefited
The Bread of the Mighty Food Bank.
Photographs courtesy Flora MacColl
and Jon and Bonnie Neelands.
This year's poster was designed by Gram's neice, Sarah Wertz.
Thanks to Mick, a copy now resides at the Joshua Tree Inn.
Thanks to all this year's performers:
Bobby Lee (sorry, no photo available)
Carl Miller and Chris Demerz
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Kurt McKenzie and Tommy McCoy
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands
Dim Lights with Ned Stewart
Liz and Lon Williamson with "Tuck" Tucker
We especially want to thank our photographers this year,
Flora MacColl and John and Bonnie Neelands.
The pictures are great.
For more photos from this year's concert, just click
And thank you, Gainesville, for your continued patronage of this event.
Photo: Jon and Bonnie Neelands